Onehunga Co-operating Parish 2020 Christmas Invitation
Christmas Festival of Lessons & Carols
10am Sunday 13 December 2020
Grey Street Church
Sunday 11th September 2020.

New Zealand is now back at Covid-19 Alert Level One. We should continue to wear face masks in public transport, shops etc, wash our hands regularly, stay at home if we feel unwell, get tested immediately if we have cold or flu-like symptoms, and keep a record of our movements for tracking and tracing.
Church Council is meeting this coming Thursday to confirm the restarting of our worship services, meetings and activities. Another email will be sent immediately following that meeting. The proposal is for us to resume 10am worship services at Grey Street and St Stephen’s Churches from Sunday 18 October. Please check with Group Secretaries for when afternoon services are to start again.
Please keep in touch with our church family and friends by phone, email etc. Give thanks and pray for all those in NZ and overseas who are working so hard trying to keep us safe and virus-free.
Sunday 11 October Bible Readings:
- Psalm 106: 1-6, 19-23 Praise God
- Exodus 32: 1-14 The Golden Calf
- Philippians 4: 1-9 Exhortations Matthew 22: 1-14
- The Parable of the Wedding Banquet
Warmest congratulations to Risati and Nadia Kaio on the arrival of their second child Jonas Aidan Kaio, born 5 October 2020.
The Right Reverend Fakaofo Kaio continues to present weekly online Sunday Devotions at 9am. Go to:
Our Parish Annual Meeting will now be held on Sunday 1 November, 11.30am in the Grey Street Lounge (following our 10am services). Originally scheduled for 6 September, the meeting had to be postponed because of Covid-19 restrictions. Printed Annual Reports will be available from church during October. Please collect your copy, read the reports, and bring them back with you to the Annual Meeting. This could well be our last emailed Newsletter, assuming we remain at Covid-19 Alert Level One…
OCP Newsletters will again be printed for distribution at worship services, and mailed to those who are unable to be at church. Please advise the Administrator if you know of anyone who should be added.
Sunday 4 October 2020

Auckland is still in Covid-19 Alert Level Two.
The NZ Government will review the restrictions again this week on Wednesday 7 October. Church services, meetings, and activities will resume when we move to Alert Level One, and after the Church, Council has met to confirm our restart.
We must continue to wear face masks, wash our hands regularly, get tested immediately if we have cold or flu-like symptoms, and keep a record of our movements for tracking and tracing.
Please keep in touch with our church family and friends by phone, email etc. Give thanks and pray for all those in NZ and overseas who are working so hard trying to keep us safe and virus-free.
Sunday 4 October Bible Readings:
Psalm 19, Exodus 20: 1-4, 7-9, 12-20 Philippians 3: 4b-14, Gospel of Matthew 21: 33-46
Our grateful thanks to those who have been delivering grocery vouchers to almost 200 church members and families.
We hope that these gifts from our parish may help those who have been affected by Covid-19 restrictions or reduced employment. Please phone one of our Ministers for if further help is needed, including pastoral care. Visit to find out about employment, support etc.
The Right Reverend Fakaofo Kaio continues to present weekly online Sunday Devotions at 9am. Go to:
Sunday 27 September 2020

Remember to put all clocks and watches FORWARD 1 hour before bedtime tonight (Saturday). Daylight Saving starts this Sunday 27 September and ends on Sunday 4 April 2021.
Auckland is still in Covid-19 Alert Level Two. The NZ Government will review the restrictions again on Wednesday 7 October.
Church services, meetings, and activities will resume when we move to Alert Level One. We continue to wear face masks, wash our hands regularly, get tested immediately if we have cold or flu-like symptoms, and keep a record of our movements for tracking and tracing. Please keep in touch with our church family and friends by phone, email etc.
Give thanks and pray for all those in NZ and overseas who are working so hard trying to keep us safe and virus-free. Together we can help to stop the spread. Online information:
Sunday 27 September Bible Readings Psalm 78: 1-4, 12-16, Exodus 17: 1-7 Philippians 2: 1-13, Gospel of Matthew 21: 23-32
The Right Reverend Fakaofo Kaio continues to present weekly online Sunday Devotions at 9am. Go to:
Our Parish Annual Meeting had been scheduled for Sunday 6 September, but because of coronavirus restrictions was not able to be held. The Church Council will announce a new date after we have again reached Covid-19 Alert Level One. Printed OCP Annual Reports and Parish Service Plans (September to December 2020) are ready for distribution as soon as we are able to meet together.
Sunday 20 September 2020

Daylight Saving begins again from next Sunday 27 September. Put your clocks and watches FORWARD 1 hour before bedtime next Saturday night. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, we still have to wait for Alert Level One before we can resume church services, meetings, and activities.
Please keep in touch with our church family and friends by phone, email etc. Give thanks and pray for all those in NZ and overseas who are working so hard trying to keep us safe and virus-free. Together we can help to stop the spread. Online information:
Sunday 13 September Bible Readings Psalm 105: 1-6, 37-45, Exodus 16: 2-15 Philippians 1: 21-30, Gospel of Matthew 20: 1-16
Congratulations to Robert and Korina Harris on the arrival of their baby girl Ngara, born last weekend. And congratulations to Loise LeMamea who has just celebrated a significant birthday.
The Right Reverend Fakaofo Kaio continues to present weekly online Sunday Devotions at 9am.
Go to: The PCANZ website also repeats the Devotions later.
Sunday 13 September 2020

With community spread and border arrivals still testing positive for Covid-19, NZ remains at Alert Level Two.
Restrictions on gatherings of people are in place, including church services. Social distancing is still essential, and the wearing of face coverings or masks on public transport, some cafes and shops etc is now compulsory. We will have to wait for Alert Level One before we can resume church services, meetings and activities.
Please keep in touch with our church family and friends by phone, email etc. Give thanks and pray for all those in NZ and overseas who are working so hard trying to keep us safe and virus-free.
Together we can help to stop the spread. Online information:
Sunday 13 September Bible Readings Psalm 114, Exodus 14: 19-31 Romans 14: 1-12, Gospel of Matthew 18: 21-35
Sunday 6th September 2020

COVID-19 ALERT LEVEL 2.5 (Auckland)
NZ is still at Covid-19 Alert Level Two. Restrictions on gatherings of people are still in place, including church services. Social distancing of 2 metres is still recommended, and the wearing
of face coverings or masks on public transport, some cafes and shops, etc is now compulsory.
We will have to wait for Alert Level One before we can resume church services and activities.
We still need to follow the guidelines:
+ Stay home if you are sick + Call the Healthline 0800 358 5453 (or your GP) if you have a cold or flu-like symptoms
+ Wear a face-covering
+ Keep track of where you’ve been
+ Wash your hands
+ Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow
+ Clean surfaces that get touched frequently
+ Maintain physical distancing + Wash your hands again
+ And be kind – always be kind…
Our foe in this battle is invisible, and people are the solution – not the problem…
Please keep in touch with our church family and friends by phone, email, etc. Give thanks and pray for all those in NZ and overseas who are working so hard trying to keep us safe and virus-free. Together we can help to stop the spread. Online information:
For those who can, please forward this Newsletter to your church groups and/or friends. Thank you!
Sunday 6 September Bible Readings Psalm 149, Exodus 12: 1-14
Romans 13: 8-14, Gospel of Matthew 18: 15-20
A reflection from Rev Peter Wedde
Each reading for this Sunday has something special to remember and take into our lives.
Over these weeks we are reading parts of Exodus. Why not read the whole story during this
time when we cannot come to church? Today’s chapter might look like no more than instructions
for the worship of the people of Israel. But Passover, and the escape from slavery in Egypt was the
one great event that made the people of Israel sure they were called by God to be his people. We remember that at the Last Supper and his death on the cross at the time of Passover, Jesus gave
new meaning to God’s call to make a new people of God.
Psalm 149 is the second-to-last of the psalms – the last five psalms all begin and end with
“Praise the Lord” which is English for “Hallelujah”. Let us all begin and end every day with
“Praise the Lord – Hallelujah.”
Paul, in Romans 13, is making clear what Jesus said to his disciples in the reading from
Matthew 18 – Christians love and care for one another. And their love and care reaches out to all people; something the world needs now, more than ever.
Remember Jesus’ teaching and example, to love one another. Be patient, keep safe, show
kindness, and may the goodness and love of God be with us all.
The Right Reverend Fakaofo Kaio continues to present weekly online Sunday Devotions at 9am.
Go to: The PCANZ website also repeats the Devotions later.
Printed OCP
Sunday 30 August 2020

Auckland will move to Covid-19 Alert Level Two at midnight this Sunday. Restrictions on gatherings of people are still in place, including church services. Social distancing of 2 metres is still recommended, and the wearing of face coverings or masks on public transport, some shops etc is now compulsory.
We will have to wait for Alert Level One before we can resume church services and activities. And we must continue to wash our hands regularly and record our movements so that contact tracing can be done if necessary. If we have cold or flu-like symptoms, we must get tested immediately. Please keep in touch with our church family and friends by phone, email etc.
Our grateful thanks to our Parish Treasurer (Fa’aulu Tomuli-Afoa) who is organising Pak’n Save vouchers for many church members who are finding life tough at present. Give thanks and pray for all those in NZ and overseas who are working so hard trying to keep us virus-free and safe. Together we can help to stop the spread. Online information:
We are very sad to report that Mrs Ane Toamaka passed away last Sunday. Our loving prayers and sympathy are extended to her family, friends, and the OCP Niuean Group. Ane was loved and highly respected in our church family, and a loyal support to her late husband Vili Toamaka, who was Niuean Group Secretary 1996-2006. The funeral service was held at Tipene Funerals on Friday with just nine family members and the Minister able to attend because of Covid-19 restrictions.
The Right Reverend Fakaofo Kaio continues to present weekly online Sunday Devotions at 9am. Go to: The PCANZ website also repeats the Devotions later.
Sunday 23 August 2020

Since last week in Auckland we have been back to Alert Level Three. This means we need to stay at home, within our bubble. We must work from home, unless that is not possible. A social distance of 2 metres and wearing a face covering or mask whenever we leave home is recommended. And if we have cold or flu-like symptoms, we must get tested immediately. Church services and meetings are “on hold,” probably until we return to Alert Level One. As previously, maintain strict personal hygiene habits. Give thanks and pray for all those in NZ and overseas who are working so hard trying to keep us safe and virus-free. Together we can help to stop the spread. Online information:
Sunday 23 August Bible Readings Psalm 124, Exodus 1: 8 – 2: 10 Romans 12: 1-8, Gospel of Matthew 16: 13-20
UPDATE – 12 August 2020.

To all OCP members and friends …
We hope that the current restrictions will be lifted soon, (in 11 days?) but we do not know when… until we are advised, assume ALL services and meetings are postponed or canceled until we move back to Alert Level 1 again.
Please contact your church family and friends to tell them about this. Keep in touch by email, phone etc, and pray for all who are working hard to keep us safe during this time of lockdown and restriction.
Follow our government and health guidelines. Stay home, stay safe, wash your hands, wear a face mask when out, and keep socially distant (2m) when you buy groceries or go to the chemist. If you have any cold or flu-like symptoms, seek medical advice immediately.
Stay safe.

10am CHURCH SERVICES to resume this coming SUNDAY 14 JUNE 2020
With the move to Covid-19 Alert Level 1, 10am Worship Services at Grey Street Church and St Stephen’s Church will resume this coming Sunday 14 June 2020
OCP Church Council met on Thursday to confirm our return to church this weekend
We give thanks to God as we share in the excitement and relief of saying goodbye to “lockdown”, with restricted numbers in gatherings, social distancing and strict public hygiene measures.
However, please retain good habits like washing your hands often and using a tissue (or your elbow) if you cough or sneeze. And you must stay at home if you are unwell. All this will help to stop the spread of colds or flu, not just Covid-19. Keeping a personal record of where and when you travel is still strongly recommended. “Track and trace” may still be required in the future.
Services this coming Sunday 14 June
10am St Stephen’s Church Minister: Rev Kaurasi Lagi
10am Grey Street Church Minister: Rt Rev Fakaofo Kaio
Please note: No Communion or Morning Teas during June (Pacific Island afternoon services at Grey Street will resume later, dates to be advised by Group Secretaries)
Sunday 7th June 2020 Newsletter.

Last Tuesday evening the Church Council met. After prayerful consideration, the unanimous decision was made for us to wait until Covid-19 Alert Level 1 is announced before we return to church.
Church Council will meet again then, and set a date for returning to church for worship services, meetings and activities. Until then, OCP Grey Street and St Stephen’s Churches will remain closed.
Please tell your family and friends that services will not resume this Sunday 7 June, but at a time
when we can meet more safely with fewer restrictions, with the date yet to be decided.
Please continue to pray for all affected around the world by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Rt Rev Fakaofo Kaio presents weekly online Sunday Devotions. Go to: at 9am.
Keep up to date with our church through our Facebook Page also, Onehunga Cooperating Parish Facebook.
Sunday 31st May 2020 Newsletter.

Church Council will meet this coming Tuesday 2 June 7pm in the Lounge to plan for a return to worship services at Grey Street and St Stephen’s Churches, starting 10am NEXT Sunday 7 June.
We will follow the current Alert Level 2 safety guidelines. This includes a contact-tracing register at the door, a limit of 100 people in each area of the church complex, and greeting one another without touching. Hugs and morning teas can resume when we get to Alert Level 1!
Please continue to pray for all affected around the world by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Rt Rev Fakaofo Kaio presents weekly online Sunday Devotions. Go to: at 9am.
Keep up to date with our church through our Facebook Page also, Onehunga Cooperating Parish Facebook.
Sunday 24th May 2020 Newsletter.

COVID-19 update NZ is still in Alert Level 2. Indoor gatherings (including church worship services) are limited to just a handful of people.
Physical distancing and strict health measures still apply.
Until these restrictions are eased, normal church services, meetings and activities cannot resume yet.
Please continue to pray for all affected around the world by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Rt Rev Fakaofo Kaio presents weekly online Sunday Devotions. Go to: at 9am.
Keep up to date with our church through our Facebook Page also, Onehunga Cooperating Parish Facebook.
Rt Rev Fakaofo Kaio presents weekly online Sunday Devotions. Go to: at 9am.
Keep up to date with our church through our Facebook Page also, Onehunga Cooperating Parish Facebook.
Sunday 17th May 2020 Newsletter.

COVID-19 update NZ is now in Alert Level 2 for at least two weeks. This means that gatherings (including church worship services) are restricted to a maximum of ten people.
Physical distancing and strict health measures still apply. Regular washing and drying of hands, and careful cleaning of all venues are still essential.
This means that normal church services, meetings and activities cannot resume yet.
Please continue to pray for all affected around the world by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Sunday 3rd May 2020 Newsletter.

COVID-19 update NZ is at Alert Level 3 for at least another week. We must still stay at home unless we are in “essential” work which cannot be done online. Schools are open for those who cannot learn from home. We must continue to wash our hands regularly, keep two metres away from all outside our “bubble.”
Sadly, joining in church worship together is still some way off. Our grateful thanks to Rt Rev Fakaofo Kaio who continues with his much appreciated “devotions” online each Sunday morning. Also to Rev Kaurasi Lagi and our Associate Ministers for their contributions to this Newsletter.
Please continue to keep in touch with your church friends by phone or email.
Sunday 3 May Bible Readings Psalm 23, Acts 2: 42-47, 1st Peter 2: 19-25, Gospel of John 10: 1-10
Rt Rev Fakaofo Kaio presents weekly online Sunday Devotions. Go to: at 9am.
Keep up to date with our church through our Facebook Page also, Onehunga Cooperating Parish Facebook.
Sunday 26th April 2020 Newsletter.

COVID-19 update NZ moves to Alert Level 3 this Tuesday for at least two weeks. We must still stay at home unless we are in “essential” work which cannot be done online. Schools will reopen for those who cannot learn from home. We must continue to wash our hands regularly, keep two metres away from all outside our “bubble” and only drive to the local supermarket or chemist. Takeaway meals can be ordered and picked up without face-to-face contact. Sadly, joining in church worship together is still some way off. Our grateful thanks to Rt Rev Fakaofo Kaio who continues with his much appreciated “devotions” online each Sunday morning. Also to Rev Kaurasi Lagi and our Associate Ministers for their contributions to this Newsletter. Please continue to keep in touch with your church friends by phone or email.
Sunday 19th April 2020 Newsletter

Welcome to our fourth online Newsletter. Again, all our OCP worship services, activities and meetings have been either postponed or cancelled until further notice. With Alert Level 4 for COVID-19 pandemic continuing, we all must STAY AT HOME.
A reminder for those with internet access: Rt Rev Fakaofo Kaio presents weekly online Sunday Devotions…
Go to: at 9am.
Keep up to date with our church through our Facebook Page also, Onehunga Cooperating Parish Facebook.
Sunday 12th April 2020 Newsletter
Welcome to our third online Newsletter. All our OCP worship services, activities and meetings have been either postponed or cancelled until further notice. With Alert Level 4 for COVID-19 pandemic continuing, we all must STAY AT HOME. Church services, activities and meetings will resume only when we get the “all clear” from the NZ Government, authorised by our national church bodies and confirmed by our OCP church ministers.
Keep up to date with our church through our Facebook Page also, Onehunga Cooperating Parish Facebook.
Sunday 5th April 2020 Newsletter
“Dear Church Family, do not let Coronavirus (Covid-19) get you down. Follow the Government guidelines. Isolation is crucial as we combat this intrusive, uninvited virus together. It is a good time for quality family time in your home and for your own care.” In our Parish Elder’s words: Stay home. Stay safe. Stay positive. Stay prayerful. Blessings! All our love and prayers. Rt Rev Fakaofo Kaio