Christian Churches / Methodist / Presbyterian
To encourage the growth of the church, united, multicultural and dynamic, serving the Onehunga and Oranga communities.
Co-operating Parish
The Onehunga Co-operating Parish was established in December 1996, with the joining together of the local Church of Christ, Methodist, and Presbyterian Churches into one parish.
These three church denominations formed the parish to help demonstrate the unity of the “Body of Christ”.
Regular combined worship services and close co-operation amongst the Onehunga churches had been a reality since the early 1940’s, so this coming together was a natural outcome of years of close association. In this parish today there are numerous ethnicities represented, including Palagi (European), Cook Islanders, Samoans, Niueans, Tongans, Koreans, Indians, Fijians and Tokelauans.
The four major groups are encouraged to organise their own activities within the framework of one “faith community”. There are regular combined worship services and a variety of activities for all Onehunga Co-operating Parish members. This affirms each individual member and group, and also confirms the oneness of the Body of Christ within the one parish.

Welcome to Onehunga Co-operating Parish
To know Christ and make Christ known, through our life, service and mission. To encourage the growth of the church, united, multicultural and dynamic, serving the Onehunga and Oranga communities.
Cook Island bowling
This activity is run by the Cook Island members. It is for anyone in the parish and wider community. They hold regular internal tournaments, regional games and national competitions. There is a strong association with the Mt Eden Cook Island Parish with regular challenges.
Samoan Choir
Rehearsal for Sunday worship services, learning new hymns. Great fellowship and open to anyone in the parish.
Cook Island Youth
Weekly activities, games, fun, fellowship and spiritual growth. Organised and run by a team of youth leaders and parents. Regular trips, camps and special occasions. Everyone welcome.
Prayer Meeting
Co-ordinated by Mrs Ruth Risati Kaio, this is open to all members of our church. It provides wonderful support and affirmation for all concerned. You are encouraged to pray in your own language. Prayer is offered for a wide variety of concerns, including the welfare of the parish and all its members.
Church Objectives
To encourage the growth of the various Groups and become a more united, vital and multicultural church. To attempt to recognise the needs of a changing community and to serve them.